Gerald Horne

The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne
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The Global Consequences of Jan. 6 and the Mass Base of Fascism – Gerald Horne

How has the turmoil of Jan 6th and talk of coups affected American ability to control global events, especially as regards to China? The basis for fascism exists in the U.S. as a significant number of people who voted for Trump support a more racist and repressive state. Historian Gerald Horne on with Paul Jay.

The Price of NAACP Compromise was Too High – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/6)

The Price of NAACP Compromise was Too High – Gerald Horne on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 1/6)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on August 18, 2014. Mr. Horne, author of The Counter-Revolution of 1776, says it was a turning point in the history of black America when the NAACP succumbed to the pressures of the Cold War – the effects of which are still felt today.

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

Time to End the “Ceasefire” – Gerald Horne

The election shows that anti-elitism has been captured by the right. It’s time for progressives to end the “ceasefire”, and fight the enormous pressure that will be exerted to make the Biden administration “get along” with a Republican controlled Senate. Progressives must fight anti-Trump neocons pushing Democrats further right, says Gerald Horne on podcast with Paul Jay.

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

The Significance of the “Shit Show” Debate – Panitch, Day, Horne & Jay

Prof. Leo Panitch, Jacobin writer Meagan Day, and Historian Gerald Horne join Paul Jay to analyze the Presidential debate and the underlying reasons why the U.S. political system is in disarray. They discuss how the people’s movement will respond to a possible Trump coup if he loses the election.

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