Politics & Policy

Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam – Martin Luther King

Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam – Martin Luther King

On April 30, 1967, Martin Luther King delivered an anti-Vietnam War speech at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Titled, Why I am Opposed to the War in Vietnam, King speaks out on America’s involvement in the war connecting it to economic injustice and lack of moral standing. 

Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2
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Hedges and Binney on Obama NSA guidelines – Reality Asserts Itself pt 1/2

This interview was originally published on January 9, 2014. Chris Hedges and NSA whistle-blower William Binney tell Paul Jay that there should be accountability, including the President himself, for the criminal practices used by the NSA against the American people.

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