Author: Lynn Fries

Big Finance, Big Tech AI Titans Ride Next Wave of Colonization at COP16

Big Finance, Big Tech AI Titans Ride Next Wave of Colonization at COP16

Jim Thomas portrays the 2024 Global Biodiversity Convention as a struggle between the interests of the world’s biggest profit makers and the interests of people struggling to safeguard their planet, their food and their economies. Blandishing promises of technofixes and a meager fund, the profiteers got their way. Produced by GPEnewsdocs.

Big Digital Tech Moves Into Synthetic Biology: The Generative AI Rush/Black Box Biotech – Pt 1/2

Big Digital Tech Moves Into Synthetic Biology: The Generative AI Rush/Black Box Biotech – Pt 1/2

Jim Thomas says profit driven generative biology, Big Tech integration of artificial intelligence with synthetic biology, raises serious challenges for global oversight of biotechnology and governments need to separate hype from reality at the upcoming 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP16). Produced by GPEnewsdocs.

Exporting Extinction: The Global Political Economy of Biodiversity Loss

Exporting Extinction: The Global Political Economy of Biodiversity Loss

Why governments further policy agendas that entrench and expand extractive industries that drive biodiversity loss is revealed in Exporting Extinction, a report exposing structural drivers incentivizing this extractive agenda and constraining what states can do to address economic development and ecological crises.

Nitrogen, Agrochemical Corporations, and International Trade: A Perilous Mix

Nitrogen, Agrochemical Corporations, and International Trade: A Perilous Mix

Gilles Billen shows that industrial agriculture, propelled by international trade and specialization, has disturbed the nitrogen cycle. This has provoked the crossing of planetary boundaries and endangered the possibility of feeding the world. Alternatives do not require new technologies but different ways of organizing production and regional networks. Lynn Fries interviews Gilles Billen on GPEnewsdocs.

Seeking Full Employment Without Falling Prey to Neoliberal Traps

Seeking Full Employment Without Falling Prey to Neoliberal Traps

William Mitchell exposes the many ideological maneuvers progressives need to confront in disputing the supremacy of profits over employment and people’s dignity. That goes for disciplining the state to appease foreign exchange markets, the problems with Basic Income proposals, and much more. Lynn Fries interviews William Mitchell on GPEnewsdocs.

Non-Aligned Movement +G77 (Group of Developing Countries) versus G7+NATO+OECD+World Economic Forum

Non-Aligned Movement +G77 (Group of Developing Countries) versus G7+NATO+OECD+World Economic Forum

Jomo K.S. warns U.S. policies are driving the world towards war and depression, leaving developing countries with a strong vested interest to reconvene a new non-aligned movement and strengthen democratic institutions of global governance. Lynn Fries interviews Jomo K.S. on GPEnewsdocs.

Subsidizing Chemical Fertilizers is Counterproductive Says Economist Jayati Ghosh

Subsidizing Chemical Fertilizers is Counterproductive Says Economist Jayati Ghosh

By reducing our reliance on chemical fertilizers, policymakers could turn the food crisis into a genuine opportunity towards shifting subsidies away from agribusiness-led to agroecological-led farming systems and a managed transition to healthy sustainable patterns of production, explains Jayati Ghosh. Lynn Fries interviews Jayati Ghosh on GPEnewsdocs.

An E.U. Double Standard With Massive Impact on the Global Environment

An E.U. Double Standard With Massive Impact on the Global Environment

The European Union is exporting more than 10,000 tons of bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides a year to megadiverse countries despite having banned these chemicals from its own farms to protect pollinators, according to research by Public Eye & Unearthed. Lynn Fries interviews Laurent Gaberell on GPEnewsdocs.

Fossil Fuel Industry Phase-Out: Three Critical Worker Guarantees for a Just Transition

Fossil Fuel Industry Phase-Out: Three Critical Worker Guarantees for a Just Transition

Robert Pollin says PERI research findings published in Fossil Fuel Industry Phase-Out and Just Transition demonstrate Just Transition policies are easily affordable in all high-income countries & imperative for any serious prospect of success in climate stabilization plans. Lynn Fries interviews Pollin on GPEnewsdocs.

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