Economy & Work

Young Autoworkers Ask Older Workers, “What Happened” – Frank Hammer on RAI (pt 3/4)

Young Autoworkers Ask Older Workers, “What Happened” – Frank Hammer on RAI (pt 3/4)

This interview was originally published on October 8, 2013. In this episode of Reality Asserts Itself, Frank Hammer discusses the pressures on Detroit auto workers’ wages that came from the American and global south.

The Fight Against UAW Leadership and GM – Frank Hammer on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/4)

The Fight Against UAW Leadership and GM – Frank Hammer on Reality Asserts Itself (pt 2/4)

This interview was originally published on October 7, 2013. In this episode, Frank Hammer tells Paul Jay about being inspired by the national liberation movements and the struggle against concessions as a response to the outsourcing of jobs.

After the Fall of the Dictatorship, I Knew Political Economy was the Key – Lapavitsas (pt 2/8)

After the Fall of the Dictatorship, I Knew Political Economy was the Key – Lapavitsas (pt 2/8)

This interview was originally published on May 23, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Lapavitsas says his politics were further formed in the upsurge of the Greek Left after military rule fell, and it led him to the study of economics in London.

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