Barricade - Poland Migrant Crisis

The Polish-Belarussian border became a place of utter terror for thousands of Middle Eastern migrants who were enticed by Belarussian dictatorial leader Lukashenko with the prospect of easy access to the European Union. The Polish border guard retaliated in the most ruthless way possible, hunting them down in the woods, rounding them up in military trucks, and evicting them across the border. While the EU backs the Polish authorities’ harsh retaliation, it finds itself in an odd conflict with the Polish government in Warsaw, accusing it, along with the so-called democratic opposition in Poland, of attempting to disintegrate the European Union and stage a Polexit. Of course, it’s complete nonsense.

In this special episode produced in collaboration with The Analysis, Maria Cernat (Romania) and Boyan Stanislavski (Bulgaria) of The Barricade and Małgorzata Kulbaczewska-Figat (Poland) of discuss these topics.

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Barricade | Humanitarian crisis on the EU’s eastern border and the Polexit humbug


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  1. I visited Poland in 2018 for a Political Psychology Conference, We can’t fix a migrant problem until we fix the war problem and the profit on war problem. No one knows about war until they are ENDING one. and just because peace wont come easily doesnt mean we shouldnt try.

  2. Thank you so much, Barricade and Paul. I learnt so much and found it so useful and different from the usual bland or lying msm.

  3. How’s that NATO membership working out for you, Poland?

    Guess who caused the majority of the migrants. But you already know that.
    These poor bastards, joining the millions of other international pawns in the heartless and amoral moves of the Anglo-American Empire.

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