Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Corporate Coup Against FDR – Jonathan M. Katz Pt. 2/2

The Corporate Coup Against FDR – Jonathan M. Katz Pt. 2/2

In part two, journalist Jonathan M. Katz discusses the financial elite and fascist sympathizers who were conspiring to undo FDR’s economic reforms in what is known as the foiled Business Plot of 1933. Retired U.S. Marine General Smedley Butler, who outed the coup plotters in Special House committee hearings in 1934, subsequently published War is a Racket, a pamphlet critiquing the monied interests behind America’s imperial war machine. Katz describes Butler’s transformation from “racketeer for capitalism” to anti-war critic and underscores the political salience of working-class issues in the Great Depression’s aftermath, as demonstrated in the Bonus March of 1932 and in FDR’s New Deal.

In Hiroshima, Obama Neglects to Mention $1 Trillion Deal for Nuclear Weapons – Kuznick RAI (pt 2/2)
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In Hiroshima, Obama Neglects to Mention $1 Trillion Deal for Nuclear Weapons – Kuznick RAI (pt 2/2)

This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced on June 10, 2016. Peter Kuznick, the co-author of The Untold History of the United States, spoke to Paul Jay about the significance of the vice presidency of Henry Wallace, who served in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the context of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Mini Doc: Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State
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Mini Doc: Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State

When Julian Assange was arrested, he was holding up a copy of Paul Jay’s book, “Gore Vidal’s History of the National Security State.” This mini-documentary is the original 2005 interview with Vidal, upon which the book is based. We republish it now as a way of protesting the persecution of Assange and the threat to what’s left of press freedom in the United States.

The Respectable Face of Terror – Robert Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/9

The Respectable Face of Terror – Robert Moses on Reality Asserts Itself Pt 3/9

Sad news that Bob Moses, a leader of the civil rights movement, died on July 25, 2021. We commemorate his work with a replay of his appearance on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, first released on June 20, 2014. Mr. Moses says America from 1875 down to the civil rights movement, was slavery by another name.

The Largest Act of Terrorism in Human History – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 4/13
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The Largest Act of Terrorism in Human History – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 4/13

The British bombing of Hamburg in 1942, and the American firebombing of Japan in March 1945 that killed as many as 120,000 people in one night, created the conditions for the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which were considered mere extensions of the firebombing tactics, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 4, 2018, with Paul Jay.

Truman Delayed End of WWII to Demonstrate Nuclear Weapons – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI  Pt 3/13
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Truman Delayed End of WWII to Demonstrate Nuclear Weapons – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI Pt 3/13

To intimidate the Soviet Union and prove to Congress the nuclear program should be funded, Truman dropped nuclear weapons on Japan to end the war; no scientist came forward to warn of the dangers to life on earth, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced November 2, 2018, with Paul Jay.

How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions – Chuck Collins
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How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions – Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins, a member of Patriotic Millionaires, has unraveled how the super-rich use the wealth defense industry to gain power in its efforts to hoard and hide their clients’ assets. As a result, it becomes a parasitical appendage on the real productive economy, extracting rents and fees from the wealthy and enterprising sectors of the economy. Mr. Collins joins Paul Jay on

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