South & Central America

Brazil: Hope for the First Time in a Very Long Time

Brazil: Hope for the First Time in a Very Long Time

Lula da Silva was inaugurated for a third non-consecutive term as president of Brazil, dramatically reversing the country’s trajectory of the past eight years. In the first few days in office, Lula presented more progressive policy changes than many believed would be possible, says freelance journalist Michael Fox.

Lula Wins in Brazil but “Will Have to Tread Very Carefully”

Lula Wins in Brazil but “Will Have to Tread Very Carefully”

A sector of Brazil’s elites became so disenchanted with Bolsonaro they switched to supporting Lula. But now Lula cannot afford to pursue a more radical program, since those elites would oust him, just as they did with Dilma Rousseff in 2016, says São Paulo based writer Alex Hochuli.

This interview was recorded before Jair Bolsonaro conceded.

A Paradigm Shift for Colombia

A Paradigm Shift for Colombia

Gustavo Petro, the new leftist president of Colombia, plans to fully implement the 2016 peace accords that ended the decades-long civil war, to drastically reduce the country’s 40% poverty rate, and introduce a new national healthcare system. Gimena Sanchez of the Washington Office on Latin America joins Greg Wilpert on

The Modern History of Venezuela and Popular Democracy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 9/9)
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The Modern History of Venezuela and Popular Democracy – Edgardo Lander on RAI (pt 9/9)

This interview was originally released on April 23, 2014. On Reality Asserts Itself, Mr. Lander assesses Chavez’s attempt to establish a participatory democracy that changed the structure of power and decision-making.

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