The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (biting political satire).
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The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (biting political satire).
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Abby Martin explains what President Biden really means by the duplicitous language in his major Feb. 4 foreign policy speech on ending the Yemen war.
The Biden administration announced an end to US support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. This is in larger part thanks to the constant activism and mobilization of peace groups around the US. Guest host Greg Wilpert talked to Hassan el Tayyab, the Legislative Manager for Middle East Policy of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, shortly before the announcement was made. He outlines the background of the war, the history of US support, what an end to US support would mean, and what further steps need to be taken to put an end to the devastation in Yemen.
Today, humanity faces three existential threats: the climate crisis, nuclear war, and artificial intelligence. The commentaries and essays that follow are the product of a unique partnership between Paul Jay and four AI assistants.
Right-wing quant trader billionaires, Robert and Rebekah Mercer, gave Trump Breitbart, Bannon and Conway and helped make him president. Then they got a sweetheart deal on a 7 billion dollar tax bill. Steve O’Keefe joins Paul Jay on
On Reality Asserts Itself, Ms. Foroohar says many wealthy people understand that the climate crisis, deep recession, and war are real threats, but they believe “apres moi le deluge [after me comes the floods];” the Financial Times columnist and author of “Makers and Takers” said many of the rich have escape plans thinking “they can avoid the apocalypse” – with host Paul Jay. This is an episode of Reality Asserts Itself, produced May 9, 2018.
Should progressives get involved in voting for Biden to defeat Trump? Vijay Prashad and Paul Jay debate what progressives should do in the Covid-19 moment and the leadup to the U.S. November elections. On podcast with Paul Jay (photo by Neal McQueen)