The Australien Government and the Opposition have made an ad about electoral reforms, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (so they’re hoping you don’t see it).
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The Australien Government and the Opposition have made an ad about electoral reforms, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative (so they’re hoping you don’t see it).
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Greg Godels and Paul Jay discuss the invasion of Ukraine, imperialism’s roots in global monopoly capitalism including the U.S. and Russia, and what activists should demand to end the war and avoid nuclear Armageddon.
The bombing of Syria was a violation of U.S. and International law. It was the U.S. that violated the nuclear deal with Iran and Biden should rejoin the agreement without new conditions. Phyliss Bennis and Larry Wilkerson join Paul Jay on
Abby Martin, host of The Empire Files, and Paul Jay discuss how working people and the Left should vote in the presidential election and Glenn Greenwald’s resignation from The Intercept.
In part 2 of our conversation with award-winning documentary filmmaker and editor-in-chief of Paul Jay, we talk about the situation in Iran and why the U.S. is no longer seeking a nuclear agreement. We also talk about why the mainstream media is now coming out in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The interview was conducted by Zain Raza for acTVism Munich.
Sections of the elites remain in climate denial, or believe technology will save the day, or dream about living in futuristic cities where most humans are expendable. Are there members of the elites who see the real danger and are willing to take effective action? Paul Jay is interviewed by Andrew Van Wagner.
Trump didn’t win the working class, the Democrats lost it; it’s urgent that progressive organizing focus on the working class and unions – human civilization depends on it. There should be a focus on union organizing at Amazon. Noam Chomsky on with Paul Jay.